We’ve teamed up with stage-services.co.uk to offer studio packages tailored to your specific needs based around the Competa radio playout system. Not being tied to particular manufacturers or suppliers, means that together we can truly design a system to meet both your requirements and budget. The systems can come configured to stream to virtual whiteboards in classrooms, to speakers around your site or even the public internet.
The Competa playout system can be configured in a number of ways ranging from a single machine running everything you need to broadcast, through to separate studio PC’s with touchscreens and terminals for programme preparation and a central server to keep you on air 24/7.
Programmes can either be presented fully live or can be recorded for playback at a later time. Live shows can also be recorded and scheduled to be repeated at a later date. Competa can also take in live audio sources, for example a satellite news service, or can automatically intake audio files, for example Podcasts or other downloaded content.